LETI FOUNDATION, a non-profit organization founded in 2005 by Founder, Theresa Gloria-Palma, a mother with 24 years of outreach experience, providing support to families of children with special needs.
Twenty-five years ago, my life changed significantly, It was February 25, 1998, and my baby was born, she was a cute chunky, and precious daughter, we named her Leticia. So exciting, I was ready! The nursery was set up, with diapers and wipes, little pink dresses, and pretty bows for her hair. (heartburn gave it away, she had lots of hair LOL) I have walked the path you are taking, I understand the journey you are on; It’s full of joy & concern. Because families were seeking a place to come for support and understanding, LETI FOUNDATION was founded on the need and love for helping families with a loved one with special needs. We are here for you. Contact us, God Bless.
LETI Foundation (LETI) will address an unmet need in the community in the area of multicultural families of children with disabilities through mentorship, educational knowledge, empowerment, and awareness of available resources and services in the community and social events for family interaction. All support programs will be offered in the form of workshops, support groups, and family gatherings. No membership fee is required.
Please call us at 480-567-6148 for more info.
Hace vente años, mi vida cambió significativamente, fue el 25 de febrero de 1998, mi niña nació, ella era muy linda y preciosa, la llamamos Leticia. Tan emocionante, estábamos listos, la guardería, pañales y toallitas, pequeños vestidos rosas y bonitos lazos para su cabello. (ardor de la cabeza se lo dio, ella tenía un montón de pelo, ja, ja!) He caminado por el camino que estás tomando, entiendo el viaje en el que estás. Está lleno de alegría y preocupaciones. LETI FOUNDATION, estamos aquí para ti. Llámenos para charlar, vamos a vernos. Será un placer conocerte a ti y a tu familia.
Support our mission.
LETI FOUNDATION is a 501(3)(C) non-profit organization. When you donate to our organization, we offer a letter of receipt for your contribution/donation. Consult with your CPA/Tax account regarding donations as a tax write-off for your donation to our organization.