Donations great or small are greatly appreciated.
Daily, families seek services for their loved one with a disability, the need is continual support, and advocacy will be nonstop. Our mission and vision are to host our very own resource center. LETI is dreaming BIGGER! A resource center is a safe place for families to feel welcomed and befriended, a safe hub that offers support and awareness to families from all walks of life.
Even though times are changing, families still need one on one in-person support. The energy and love which flows between parents and their supporters is a crucial interaction, which can take place in a serene and welcoming center.
LETI would like to say “Thank You” in advance for your donation, a monthly donation of $25.00 monthly or any amount great or small will be us closer to our goal. our passion continues to serve families as we collect and create the necessary resources to host our very own resource center.
LETI Foundation (LETI) will address an unmet need in the community in the area of multicultural families of children with significant disabilities or complex educational and medical needs.
The LETI CENTER will be a center for families to gain information on being a parent of a child with special needs, a place for families to organically seek in-person support of mental and emotional support, local services agencies, activities, and events. The center will provide support for new and pre-existing families who need help navigating the system for local and national services. It will be a welcoming and fun safe place for all families.
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